10 Easy Ways To Turn Your Home Into One Big Exercise Circuit!

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From the New In 90 Team

Are you staying at home and want to be more active?

Here’s ten easy ways to incorporate important exercises into your daily routines to make you fitter and stronger.

[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”9162″ img_size=”212×300″ alignment=”center” style=”vc_box_shadow”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row padding_top=”” padding_bottom=””][vc_column][vc_column_text font_size=”25″ line_height=”35px” responsive_font=”yes” font_size_xs=”18″ line_height_xs=”25″]Doing enough exercise is hard enough when we’re all leading normal busy lives.

However, if we’re staying at home, we may have more time but the practicalities and motivation to do a workout online or from the TV remain the same.

Many people may take the opportunity to veg out on the couch with the latest box set and favourite snack but now it’s even more important to stay as fit and healthy as possible.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row padding_top=”” padding_bottom=””][vc_column][vc_column_text font_size=”25px” line_height=”35px” responsive_font=”yes” font_size_xs=”18″ line_height_xs=”25″]So, whatever your age or situation, here’s how to incorporate at least 25 minutes of moderate exercise into your existing habits and routines.

As you do them, you’ll think of lots more ways, but these are a great start.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row type=”color” bg_color=”#f2f2f2″ padding_top=”” padding_bottom=”” border=”top”][vc_column][vc_column_text font_weight=”bold”]

This Guide was taken from New In 90’s ground-breaking Stepping Stone Program.
Find out how you can easily adjust your daily habits and routines for long-lasting weight control and fitness, overcome any barriers that might be stopping you and discover a whole range of useful aids to maximise the success of your journey.
There’s never been a better reason to get fit and healthy – for the LONG TERM.

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[vc_single_image image=”9385″ img_size=”medium” alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” link=”https://www.newin90.co.uk/new-stepping-stone-book” css=”.vc_custom_1588410675508{padding-top: 10px !important;}”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row padding_top=”” padding_bottom=””][vc_column][vc_column_text]1 Morning teeth clean – instead of standing watching yourself in the mirror, do squats in time with your brushing. Keep your tummy in, back straight and bend your knees slowly to 45 degrees. Repeat slowly up and down.

Time taken: 2 mins.

Great for: Toning the legs, thighs and butt – one of the most effective exercises for the lower half of the body.

2 Waiting for the kettle to boil – stand with your back against a kitchen counter unit. Place your hands on the counters, with arms straight (but not locked) and raise your knees up as far as you can go, taking your feet off the ground. Hold for 5 secs but breathe normally. Lower your legs. Repeat slowly until the kettle has boiled.

If you find this difficult, start with raising just one leg. Remember to keep your tummy muscles tight.

Time taken: 1 min.

Great for: Toning and strengthening tops of thighs, tummy and arms.

3 Having a shower/bath – unless someone has used the hot water before you, there’s always a wait for the water to warm up or the bath to fill. Use this time to strengthen your stomach muscles. Straighten your back and pull your stomach in really hard, count to five and relax, breathing in as you do. Exhale and repeat as many times as you can. Really feel those tummy muscles working.

Time taken: Say 30 secs

Great for: Tummy and core muscles.

And, while you’re doing that, go up onto tip toe slowly and back down again. This will target your calves. Do one leg at a time to really get the muscles working!

4 Waiting for something – we all wait for something, sometime in the day. Instead of just standing, work on your posture. Pull your shoulders back, pull your tummy in (remember to keep breathing normally), chest out and neck long. Hold for 5 secs and relax. Repeat this for as long as you are waiting. It may sound easy, but you’ll find it gets harder quite quickly. That’s good, because it shows you’re working your muscles!

Time taken: Say 2 x 2 mins, but could be lots more.

Great for: Posture, tummy and strengthening your “core” muscles.

5 Climbing stairs – Instead of just going up slowly once, walk up and down quickly several times. As you get fitter, take the steps two at a time and really work the legs (but don’t use the banisters/stair rail to help except for safety).

Time taken: Say 2 mins.

Great for: Heart, lungs & legs.

6 Sitting – most people sit for several hours a day, probably at a desk or on a sofa, so use the time to sit up straight, tummy in (don’t forget to breathe normally), butt muscles clenched and shoulders back. Hold for a count of five and relax. Repeat 5 times every hour as a minimum and more if you can.

Time taken: Say 4 mins throughout the day, but could be lots more.

Great for: Strengthening core muscles, toning tummy and butt.

7 Walking – the most under-estimated exercise ever and one we can continue to do – even if you’re self-isolating (just remember to stay at least 2 metres/6 feet away from anyone who is not in your existing household). Use this time to get the majority of your daily activity. The key thing is to walk briskly so that your heart rate and breathing increases slightly. Use your arms to increase the effectiveness of the exercise.

 So, whenever you walk, do it quickly, even if it’s just from one room to another in the house. If possible, create some time to do specific walking – even if it’s just for 10 mins or so.

Time taken: Say minimum of 10 mins throughout the day, but probably will be more.

Great for: Heart, lungs, legs, butt and overall fitness levels.

8 Screen time – we normally find the time to sit in front of the TV, phone or tablet sometime during the day (the average Briton looks at a screen for entertainment purposes for over three hours per day – and that’s when life is “normal”).

So use a very small part of this time to do some arms bends or “dips”. Sit on a solid chair or low table and place your hands palm down beside you with fingers pointing out. Move your butt forward and off the chair or table so that you are supporting your weight primarily on your hands and arms – your legs stretching out in front of you and heels on the floor. Slowly lower your body as far as you can with your arms bending. Stop and then straighten your arms again – lifting your body up again. If you find this hard to begin with, bring your feet closer to your body, but try not to use your legs to push yourself up.

Go up and down five times. Rest and repeat as many times as you can.

Time taken: At least 2 mins.

Great for: Backs of arms and shoulders.

9 Evening teeth clean: This time, lean against a wall or firm wardrobe, and slide your back down until your knees are at 45 degrees. Hold and brush. You should feel your thighs start to “burn” pretty quickly. Hold this position for as long as you can. The ultimate objective is to bend your knees to 90 degrees and hold for two minutes.

Time taken: 2 mins.

Great for: Thigh and leg strengthening and toning.

10 Before you go to bed: Lie on your front on the floor. Raise your body onto your forearms and straighten your body so that only your toes and forearms are touching the floor. Keep your back straight and tummy tight (remember to breath normally). This is the dreaded “plank” and is one of the most effective tummy and core muscle strengtheners there is. Try and hold for 30 secs to start (if you find this difficult, start off by counting slowly to 10, then 20 the next time and so on) with but have an objective of 2 mins.

Time taken: Say 1 min.

Great for: Core strength, arms and chest muscles.

Total exercise time:   Approx. 28 mins![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row padding_top=”” padding_bottom=””][vc_column][vc_column_text]Obviously you’ll find that some days you do more exercise than others. That doesn’t matter and you shouldn’t give up because you fail to do some of them on one day.

You’ll notice that most of these exercises are triggered by something that happens every day – normally at the same time.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row type=”color” bg_color=”#cd4566″ padding_top=”” padding_bottom=””][vc_column][vc_column_text font_size=”25px” line_height=”35″ responsive_font=”yes” font_size_xs=”20″ line_height_xs=”25″ css=”.vc_custom_1588260310379{border-radius: 5px !important;}”]

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The amazing thing about Triggers

Triggers are little moments throughout the day that provide an opportunity and reminder to do something beneficial.

It may be the moment to stand up and do some squats, go for a brisk walk, do some stretches or maybe even sit quietly for a few minutes.

Ideally they should be something that you do every day, preferably at the same time and in the same place. It could be something as simple as opening the fridge door, or walking into a certain room, or it could be a more set event like teeth cleaning, getting undressed or putting the kettle on.

Connecting an action to a trigger will, after time, make that action as automatic as all the other things we do in our life without thinking about them. And every time you do it, you’ll feel really good which will encourage you to find more actions and triggers in your day.

When you review your day, try and identify some other triggers to which you can attach a response.

They can be really simple, like –

  • Every time you switch on a light – do two squats.
  • Every time you wait for something, or someone – do 20 calf raises.
  • Every time you get up from your desk, or a chair, do some stretches.
  • Set a timer on your phone and every time it goes off stand up for 5 minutes (standing up increases your metabolic rate by about 15%).

After a bit of experimentation, you’ll soon find out whether or not these are doable and you can adjust both the trigger and the response accordingly.

The key thing, however, is to start the exercise habit and begin incorporating more and more general activities into “exercise” activities. After a short while, they’ll soon become a regular routine and so even more effective.

Remember, the most effective exercises are the ones you do just by starting![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row padding_top=”” padding_bottom=”” border=”top”][vc_column][vc_column_text font_size=”25px” line_height=”35px” responsive_font=”yes” font_size_xs=”20″ line_height_xs=”25″]This guide was taken from New In 90’s ground-breaking new Stepping Stone Program.

Find out how you can adjust your daily habits and routines for long-lasting weight control and fitness, overcome any barriers that might be stopping you and discover a whole range of useful aids to maximise the success of your journey.

There’s never been a better reason to get fit and healthy – for the LONG TERM[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row padding_top=”” padding_bottom=”20″ border=”bottom”][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”9042″ img_size=”medium” alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” animation=”animate-when-visible” link=”https://www.newin90.co.uk/stepping-stone-book”]

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