“I’m Jean-Ann Marnoch, founder of the New In 90 Fit-For-Life Programs.
If the last few months have told us anything, staying as fit and healthy as possible is really, really important!
But, once you hit the big 50, there’s lots of reasons why it’s difficult to do this –
And that’s why we’ve devised this really effective 4 step program to kick-start a slimmer and fitter lifestyle.”
Have you got onto the scales recently and thought –
“Wow, I’ve put on some weight in lock down?”
Or have you watched your weight slowly creep UP over the last few years whilst your fitness levels slip DOWN?
If this is you, then your first instinct is maybe to go on another diet, or download the “Couch to 5K” plan from the NHS.
There’s nothing wrong with that but most of us know that diets don’t often work for the long term (and they’re so painful to do) – and starting to run is certainly not for everyone.
So that’s why we’ve taken a different route to solving the problem.
Losing weight and getting fitter for the long term is not all about strict diets, costly meal plans and fad exercise workouts.
In fact, many studies have shown that diets don’t actually work for most people – and whilst it’s really beneficial to take regular exercise, it’s not that efficient by itself as a tool to lose weight.
The only really effective way to get PERMANENT control of your weight and fitness is to change your daily habits and routines surrounding eating and activity – so that you end up eating less and exercising more as an indirect result of your new lifestyle, rather than because of forced diet or exercise regime.
It sounds obvious doesn’t it?
Eat less and move around more – it’s something your grandmother probably would have said to you!
They think that just going on a specific diet for a few weeks, or subscribing to an expensive meal planning service, the problem will be solved.
Then they realise it won’t, because they still have the same routines and habits day-in, day-out – and that probably means they’ll be eating and drinking exactly the same as before – and any recent exercise will be quickly forgotten.
So what exactly is the answer?
Read on to find out –
New In 90’s 4-Step Program is a simple but really effective way to change things for good so that you won’t ever have to worry about your weight again – you’ll feel fitter, stronger and back in control.
And how good will that feel?!
Use the 4 Stepping Stones to make small but crucial changes to your daily habits and routines for long-lasting results.
No diets, no gyms and no monthly fee.
So, Step 1 – You have to decide you REALLY want to start…
It may seem so obvious, but if you’re only making changes to please someone else, you don’t really think you need to make changes or you can’t really be bothered, then everything will be much harder if not impossible.
You have to realise that something has to change if you want to lose weight, get fit and then never worry about it again.
But you, and only you, can take the decision to actually make a change.
In the The Stepping Stone Program, we’ll not only show you how to embrace the idea of change, but also let you discover your “happy” weight.
So, check out how The Stepping Stone Program can help you –
✔Do you really need to lose weight at all? Our handy tables will give you the lowdown.
✔You don’t have to be a scientist but knowing about fat and what your body does with it will help you understand what needs to be done.
✔What are calories?
✔The truth about a ‘balanced’ diet.
✔What’s your happy weight?
✔Introducing The 4 Stepping Stones.
✔The process and form of change.
✔The amazing thing about triggers.
✔Struggling to start?
✔How to change more ingrained habits and beliefs.
✔How to remove barriers standing in your way.
✔Important recap and self-help tools.
✔The Self-Talk Audit.
✔The Motivation Gauge.
✔The Hunger Scale.
✔The Magic of Meditation.
✔Why Meditation is so important.
✔Meditation – getting started.
✔Meditation – the benefits.
✔Your journey.
✔A final message.
✔Need more help?
✔The New In 90 Stepping Stone Coaching Program.
✔The New In 90 Weight Loss and Fitness Program.
✔Want to get more active?
✔Ten easy ways to turn your everyday life into one great exercise circuit!
✔Great exercises and stretches to fit into your day.
✔Special price just £14.99 £9.99.
Step 2 – The crucial lifestyle analysis
Using examples, we’ll show you how to analyse your day-to-day eating habits and activity routines and then help you make the small but vital changes that will will give you the long term results you’re looking for.
The key to this step is to take it slowly – if you try to make drastic changes too quickly, it will probably lead to failure.
We’ll also introduce you to Triggers and show you how to maximise their effectiveness for the best results.
Step 3 – Starting out
After getting into the right mindset, starting out on your journey is really exciting!
This time, it won’t be the same as going on a new diet or exercise regime. Most people dread the idea of starting a diet or going for a run and as soon as that happens, it won’t take long before you give up.
Starting out on the Stepping Stones, you’ll be feeling many different emotions – relieved, excited, determined, optimistic!
If you’re not – don’t worry! We’ll show you how to tackle and remove any obstacles or worries you may have.
Using examples, we’ll show you how to analyse your day-to-day eating habits and activity routines and then help you make the small but vital changes that will will give you the long term results you’re looking for.
The key to this step is to take it slowly – if you try to make drastic changes too quickly, it will probably lead to failure.
We’ll also introduce you to Triggers and show you how to maximise their effectiveness for the best results.
Step 4 – Embrace support
Without the support of the people close to you, you’ll find it more difficult to achieve your objectives.
Work out how you can get them on your side and your journey will becomes easier and quicker.