
Why is The New In 90 Program different?

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Why is the New In 90 Program different to other weight loss and fitness plans?

Well – most other diets concentrate on specific calorie counting or food group restrictions and fitness plans depend primarily on a strict regime of daily workouts.

Their aim is to try and produce quick and visible results – and there’s nothing wrong with that.

HOWEVER – unless you change your underlying habits and routines around eating and activity at the same time, you just won’t see any permanent results.

For instance, if you go on a diet and manage to cut out all sugary “treats” (and well done if you do!) – but revert to old habits when you finish the diet, then we all know what will happen!

The New In 90 Program is all about choice; your choice to make permanent changes in your life that will improve your health an fitness now and in the future.

In other words, we believe that the only way to achieve your ideal weight and fitness levels for the long term, is to make permanent changes to your daily habits and routines.

And the ONLY way to do this successfully (unless you have astonishing will power – which most of us don’t have) is to make the RIGHT changes SLOWLY – to almost trick the mind and body into believing that nothing’s really happening.

It’s like learning any new skill in life – it takes time, perseverance and, above all, a real desire to change.

Do you have that?

If you do – if you really want to lose weight, get fitter and healthier AND do it for good – then you need to prepare properly.

If you start anything new that’s going to change your life – then of course it makes sense to prepare – and if you so, then you’re going to be maximising your chance of success.

The great thing about the New In 90 Program is that it will hold your hand throughout the entire process –

For starters, we’ll get you into the right state of mind – facing down any issues or problems which have stopped you in the past and giving you the vital tools to overcome them.

Then we’ll tell you exactly WHAT you need to do every day for 90 days and, just as importantly, WHY you need to do it.

We’ll also help with your motivation and teach you how to meditate.

We’ll tell you what foods are best to eat and what foods you should try and avoid.

We’ll show which are the most effective exercises to do to get the quickest and best results – exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home and at a time to suit you.

You’ll also have access to The New In 90 Community – like-minded people who only have one objective in mind – to get in the position of never having to worry about weight and fitness again.

Does that sound good?

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So, what’s the next step?

In order to give you the maximum chance of achieving the objectives you set for yourself, we use our special “Triple P” approach:

Preparation: It’s vital to get yourself in the right frame of mind to make a change. We’ll show you how to do this and to change any negative thoughts or beliefs you may have.

Practice: Achieving your day to day objectives to get to where you want to go. New In 90 will tell you exactly what to do and when for the best results.

Purpose: To re-boot your eating and fitness lifestyle for long term health and fitness. No more dieting and no more worrying about your weight!

Put simply – Get yourself ready, know what you want…and go!
